CATTS LABS has been approved by MoEF, NABL, and PPCB for conducting Environmental Monitoring.
- Ambient Air Monitoring
- Stack Emission Monitoring
- Fugitive / Process Emission Monitoring
- Solid /Respirable Particulate Matter
- Gaseous Pollutants
- Trace Metal Analysis in SPM/RPM
- Work Place Environmental monitoring
- Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
- Waste water testing
- Solid waste & Hazardous waste testing
Physico-chemical, as well as Microbiological analysis of Water for all parameters as per, IS specifications for following categories can be done at CATTS LABS using Standard/ Validated methods.
- Water Sampling & Analysis
- Water Quality Monitoring
- Drinking Water (Potable & Domestic water)
- Packaged Drinking Water
- Natural Mineral Water
- Ground (Wells, Borewells etc)/Surface Water(Rivers, Canals, Ponds etc.)
- Boiler Feed Water
- Construction purpose Water
- Waste Water(Industrial/Domestic)
- Swimming Pools Water
- Reagent grade Water
- Industrial/Cooling purpose water
- Trace metal elements in Water
- Distilled / Demineralized Water
- Pathogens in Water Treatability studies for Water Treatment
- Treatability studies for Water Treatment
- Discharges & Effluent Characterization
- Waste Water sampling & analysis
- Performance study of Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP) & Sewage Treatment Plants (STP)
- Dioxins & Furans in water.